
International Protein Beta Alanine β-丙氨酸 (增加肌肽、增加耐力)

$398.00 HKD







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  • Boosts Strength
  • Enhances Endurance
  • Increases Carnosine 
  • Reduces Lactic Acid

Beta Alanine contributes to the build-up of Carnosine in the body. Carnosine helps to prevent the pH level drop, which is the primary cause of muscle fatigue and workout failure. Beta Alanine is the rate-limiting amino acid for Carnosine synthesis. 

Ensuring that you’ve got optimum levels of Beta Alanine coursing through your system as you walk into the gym will allow you to reduce lactic acid build-up in your working muscles so you can push harder for longer. 

International Protein’s Beta Alanine features CarnoSyn®, the most effective, highest quality Beta alanine available anywhere. CarnoSyn® is backed by years of scientific research and is the only patented form of Beta Alanine that exists. 


International Protein Beta Alanine has just one ingredient . . . 100% Carnosyn Beta Alanine. CarnoSyn® is the only clinically proven, patent-protected Beta Alanine to deliver fast, effective and safe results.

Who Should Take Beta Alanine

Anyone who is looking for that extra performance boost that will allow them to perform with more endurance and intensity, whether on the gym floor, the running track or the sports field, will gain that edge with Beta Alanine supplementation. Athletes and recreational gym-goers who lift weights will especially benefit from this supplement. 

How to Take Beta Alanine

Mix 1.2 g (one scoop) of International Protein Beta Alanine in 200 ml water or add to your pre-workout. Take it 30 minutes before your workout for the best effect. Use Beta alanine daily for 15 days straight to allow it to build up in your body. 



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International Protein

International Protein Beta Alanine β-丙氨酸 (增加肌肽、增加耐力)

$398.00 HKD


  • Boosts Strength
  • Enhances Endurance
  • Increases Carnosine 
  • Reduces Lactic Acid

Beta Alanine contributes to the build-up of Carnosine in the body. Carnosine helps to prevent the pH level drop, which is the primary cause of muscle fatigue and workout failure. Beta Alanine is the rate-limiting amino acid for Carnosine synthesis. 

Ensuring that you’ve got optimum levels of Beta Alanine coursing through your system as you walk into the gym will allow you to reduce lactic acid build-up in your working muscles so you can push harder for longer. 

International Protein’s Beta Alanine features CarnoSyn®, the most effective, highest quality Beta alanine available anywhere. CarnoSyn® is backed by years of scientific research and is the only patented form of Beta Alanine that exists. 


International Protein Beta Alanine has just one ingredient . . . 100% Carnosyn Beta Alanine. CarnoSyn® is the only clinically proven, patent-protected Beta Alanine to deliver fast, effective and safe results.

Who Should Take Beta Alanine

Anyone who is looking for that extra performance boost that will allow them to perform with more endurance and intensity, whether on the gym floor, the running track or the sports field, will gain that edge with Beta Alanine supplementation. Athletes and recreational gym-goers who lift weights will especially benefit from this supplement. 

How to Take Beta Alanine

Mix 1.2 g (one scoop) of International Protein Beta Alanine in 200 ml water or add to your pre-workout. Take it 30 minutes before your workout for the best effect. Use Beta alanine daily for 15 days straight to allow it to build up in your body. 


  • 200克 (167 次用量) - unflavored 原味
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